【looOneApp IOS 4.4.3】全开源多用途多功能通用原生iOS应用APP源码

looOneApp IOS是一款全开源多用途多功能通用原生iOS应用APP源码,您可以使用它创建任何您想要的内容。您可以使用和组合尽可能多的时间线、博客、新闻提要、播放列表、页面等。根据需要添加图标、创建部分并突出显示它们。来自 OneSignal 的推送通知 – 轻松向您的用户发送推送消息和 URL。离线保存来自 Wordpress 和 RSS 的文章和文章。Youtube 网页和视频可以作为最喜欢的主题。Tumblr 图片可以保存到本地存储。只需通过自定义颜色和使用您自己的菜单项图标来自定义您的应用程序。您还可以为导航菜单选择多种样式。

looOneApp IOS与 iPhone、iPod 和 iPad 兼容,并使用故事板和自动布局。请记住,looOneApp IOS 的兼容性和功能可能与 looOneApp Android不同。我们建议在最新版本的 XCode 中编辑 looOneApp IOS。





  • Unlimited Items – You can use & combine as many Blogs, Timelines, Feeds, Channels, Playlists, Stations, Webpages, etc as you want. Optionally add icons and create sections.
  • Beautiful Design – We took great care of the UI of this template to make sure it is focussed on your content. Display the articles and videos in styled detail views with parallax scrolling header images and fading navigation bars.
  • Completely native – The app is written completely in Swift with native layout files.
  • Notifications build-in – Support for notifications by OneSignal is completely build in, all you have to do is configure your OneSignal ID and configure your certificates and you can send notifications to your users. Notifications can open in the in-app webview, or in Safari.
  • Admob Banners & Interstitial – Easily enable banners throughout you app and instantly monetize your application. Also supports interstitials shown during navigation on a configurable interval.
  • Customizable & Brand-able – Make your app yours by customizing theme colors & using your own icons. You can also choose between multiple styles for your Navigation drawer, for example by setting a header image. Easily translatable.
  • Tabs & Sliding Menu – Organise and navigate your content using tabs and/or the sliding menu drawer. You can also use category screens to organise content.
  • In App Purchases* – Provide your users with the option to remove ads and/or unlock additional content with a quick in-app purchase to monetise your app.
  • Social – Let your users share content from your app to other apps
  • Connection Manager – No connection message when no internet. Error handling is also integrated.
  • In-App Videoplayer – Let users play youtube videos without even having to leave your application!
  • About Dialog – Display about dialog with a link to your own contact page.
  • Dynamic Remote Configurations – Define your app’s configuration easily using our free Configuration tool. Your app will load based on this configuration, and you can update your apps configuration remotely, no need to update the app itself.
  • Great Documentation – Step by step instructions on how to configure your template from scratch.
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