【looOneApp Android 4.5.3】全开源多用途多功能原生Android应用APP源码

looOneApp Android是一一款通用的全开源多用途多功能原生Android应用APP源码,您可以使用它来创建您想要的任何内容。您可以使用和组合尽可能多的时间线、博客、新闻提要、播放列表、页面等。根据需要添加图标、创建部分并突出显示它们。来自 OneSignal 的推送通知 – 轻松向您的用户发送推送消息和 URL。离线保存来自 Wordpress 和 RSS 的文章和文章。Youtube 网页和视频可以作为最喜欢的主题。Tumblr 图片可以保存到本地存储。只需通过自定义颜色和使用您自己的菜单项图标来自定义您的应用程序。您还可以为导航菜单选择多种样式。Admob 横幅 & 插页式广告 – 创建 Admob 时,只需几秒钟即可将横幅添加到您的应用程序并在您导航时显示广告。在您的应用程序中显示对来自 Youtube、Facebook、Wordpress 和 Instagram 的文章、视频和文章的评论。




您可以选择使用我们的 App Builder 自定义和配置您的应用程序,无需额外费用。这样,就无需使用 Android Studio 或手动进行任何代码编辑。只需使用我们易于使用的应用程序构建器界面即可更快地创建和构建您的应用程序!

  • 易于使用
  • 源代码访问
    想要进行自定义更改,还是更喜欢手动构建您的应用程序?您始终可以从在线应用程序构建器下载定制的源代码。这允许您在构建器中快速设置您的应用程序,同时仍然能够根据需要在 Android Studio 中进行更改。两全其美的!


与最流行的 RSS XML 源和格式兼容。适用于 Youtube 频道和播放列表。对于自托管 Wordpress 安装,建议使用 4.7 或更高版本。大多数 Wordpress 主题和插件应该与我们的插件兼容,但是我们不能保证完全支持 3rd 方插件和主题。WooCommerce 与 WooCommerce REST API V3 配合使用,支持类别、常规产品和可变产品,并在 WebView 中结帐。广播和视频流必须与ExoPlayer兼容。阿拉伯语和希伯来语支持适用于 Android 4.2 及更高版本。为了使用该项目,您需要 Android Studio(文档中包含有关此的说明)。请记住,Universal for Android 的兼容性和功能可能与 Universal for IOS 不同。 重要提示:Pinterest 目前已停止其 API 服务,API 访问不再可用,这意味着应用程序中的原生 Pinterest 内容目前不受支持。我们目前正在等待 Pinterest API 更新。


  • Unlimited Items – You can use & combine as many different kinds of content in your app as you want. For example combine WooCommerce with live video streams and Twitter, anything is possible. Optionally add icons, create sections and highlight.
  • New Material Design – Universal is designed as per the latest Material Design guidelines. Featuring modern, animated, light, layouts. Completely customisable in every color.
  • Push Notifications by OneSignal – Send push messages and urls to your users easily.
  • In-App purchase – Let your users remove ads or unlock extra content within your app by making an in app purchase.*
  • Tablet UI – A dedicated two plane layout on tablets and an immersive detailview for reading articles and viewing content without distractions.
  • Offline & Favorites – Save Articles and posts from Wordpress and RSS offline. Web pages & Youtube videos can be submitted as favorite items. Tumblr and Flickr images, SoundCloud and Wordpress Audio and other media attachments can be saved to local storage.
  • Customisable – Easily make your app by customising colors & using your own icons. You can also choose between multiple styles for your Navigation drawer, for example by setting a header image.
  • Admob Banners & Interstitials – With build in Admob, it takes only a few seconds to add banner throughout your app & show interstitial advertisements during navigation.
  • Comments – Show comments to posts, videos and articles from Youtube, Facebook, Wordpress & Instagram within your app.
  • Social Sharing – Let your users share content and promote your app at the same time.
  • Custom Actions – Easily make an intent to another app, or open a url from the menu.
  • Flexible Navigation – Easily create a tab based or navigation drawer based application, or even a combination of both! You can also use category screens to organise your content
  • Dynamic Remote Configurations – Define your app’s configuration easily using our free Configuration tool. Your app will load based on this configuration, and you can update your apps configuration remotely, no need to update the app itself.
  • In-App Media Viewer – View (embedded) images, videos and audio from content in your app, fullscreen.
  • GDPR & Privacy – Let your users agree to your privacy policy before they can access your app.
  • Firebase – Built-in support for Firebase Core.
  • Disqus – Support for interactive Disqus comments for Wordpress.
  • Language support – Easily translatable from within a single file (Studio). Also supporting RTL languages and layouts.
  • Connection Manager – Automatically detect when no connection is present and ask the user to resume when internet is restored.
  • Well-Documented – Never built an app before? That’s no problem, everything is described step by step from installing to importing and customising the template.
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