
TaxiBooking(版本2.0.1)是一套功能齐全的仿优步Uber网约车打车系统Android+iOS原生手机APP源码,带PHP管理后台源码,需要使用编译工具Android Studio和Xcode。搭建需要服务器和android应用程序编译的中级知识。如果您不知道这个项目是什么以及如何工作,那么请不要购买。

  • 原生iPhone和Android手机APP源代码。
  • 功能齐全的司机端APP
  • 功能齐全的用户端APP
  • 强大的管理仪表板。



iOS端APP源码更新至 2.0.0 , Android端APP源码更新至2.0.1



  • Driver registration / login
  • Online / Offline status
  • Pending requests : driver can see all requested rides by user in this
  • section. and also able to accept / cancel invitations
  • Accepted requests : driver can see accepted request in this section and track the journey.
  • Completed rides : driver can see all their completed rides unders this section and check further history.
  • Cancelled rides : driver can see cancel rides list under this section.
  • Profile section : Driver can acces their profile and can manage too.
  • Vehicle information : Driver can manage vehicle information and also submit their proofs and othre vehicle related documentation.
  • Transaction history : Driver can see their all transaction history related to their rides.


  • User registration / login
  • Home : user can locate nearest taxi and send ride request.
  • Pending requests : user can see all requested rides by them in this section.
  • Accepted requests : user can see accepted request in this section and track the journey.
  • Completed rides : user can see all their completed rides unders this section and check further history.
  • Cancelled rides : user can see cancel rides list under this section.
  • Profile section : user can acces their profile and can manage too.


  • Live tracking of rides.
  • Manage drivers [Update/Delete]
  • Manage users [Update/Delete]
  • View rides
  • View drivers current location
  • Track & manage driver payment
  • Set Commissions


  • PHP 版本必须 >= 5.6 且 < 7.0
  • 重写模式启用
  • PDO 扩展启用
  • 文件创建权限


没有账号?注册  忘记密码?