【Enefte 5.2.1】NFT作品集展示加密数字收藏品展示Elementor模版工具包

Enefte 是一个NFT作品集展示加密数字收藏品展示Elementor模版工具包,用于设置网站 NFT 投资组合作品集。Enefte 使用免费Elementor插件构建,所以不要担心花购买其它插件的钱。Enefte 提供各种页面,包括主页、关于我们、团队、NFT、路线图、社区、常见问题解答、博客、图库、404、联系我们。



  1. 首页
  2. 关于我们
  3. 团队
  4. NFT
  5. 路线图
  6. 社区
  7. 常见问题
  8. 博客
  9. 画廊
  10. 404
  11. 联系我们


  • Elementor
  • ElementsKit Lite
  • Metform
  • Header & Footer Builder for Elementor

How to Use Template Kits:

  1. Install and Activate the “Envato Elements” plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress
  2. Download your kit file and Do not unzip
  3. Go to Elements > Installed Kits and click the Upload Template Kit button. You may also import automatically by clicking Connect Account to link your Elements subscription, then import under Elements > Template Kits.
  4. Check for the orange banner at the top and click Install Requirements to load any plugins the kit uses
  5. Click import on the Global Kit Styles first
  6. Click Import on one template at a time. These are stored in Elementor under Templates > Saved Templates.
  7. Go to Pages and create a new page and click Edit with Elementor
  8. Click the gear icon at lower-left of the builder to view page settings and choose Elementor Full Width and hide page title
  9. Click the gray folder icon to access My Templates tab and then Import the page you’d like to customize.
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