Akka actor模型基础和Akka supervision高并发容错系统开发视频教程

在本课程中,我们将学习Akka actor模型基础知识,用Akka supervision开发高并发容错系统。完成课程后你将了解如何使用Akka actor编写并发和弹性应用程序。您将自己在指导下编写2000多行Akka代码。

本课程适用于具有Scala和Rock JVM Scala初学者水平的函数式编程经验的资深程序员。我已经假设了对一般编程基础的扎实了解。

BESTSELLER | Created by Daniel Ciocîrlan | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 12:43 H/M | Lec: 36 | 5.95 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]
Learn the Akka actor model with Scala and write parallel, concurrent and fault-tolerant systems with Akka supervision

What you’ll learn
create concurrent applications with actors instead of threads and locks
design fault-tolerant systems with supervision
configure Akka for various scenarios
confidently test actor systems
use Akka patterns and best practices

solid general programming experience
a good understanding of multithreading
a solid command of the Scala language

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